Sunday, 9 October 2011

It starts...

Well, it has officially started...

I am finally studying for a Masters in Education with The Open University. It has been an interesting experience waiting for this day to come. It has been made more interesting by the build up and panic created by other people.

When I told people that I was about to start, their reactions were mainly that I was insane or that I was taking on too much. People were incredulous that I could take on this while teaching full-time. For me, I need to be continually assessing and reflecting on my practice and this study will allow me to do that. My source of support will mainly be coming from my partner, who, like me,  believes that if I have a thirst for knowledge I should quench it.

Looking to my next point of call for support, I went to the OU forum and was greeted with what felt like hysteria.  It felt like a virtual room of anxiety. People worrying about course notes, use of technology and the assignment that is more than a month away!

I questioned why with all that I am currently doing at school:

-I've launched a school newspaper with the year 4, 5 and 6s
-I am conducting a Young Reader's Programme with the Year 4s and The Literacy Trust
-and I have just been made music coordinator

We also have a brand new Head at the school, who I am trying to impress and present professionally too. All this, and we have just bought and moved house!

However, today I sat and spent five hours reading and blogging. I loved it! I felt at peace and I did it all at my pace, though have still manged to be ahead of the study planner. I think I may enjoy isolating myself despite the shift distance learning institutions are making towards interaction and socializing. Maybe I can ease myself into it.

My main action point for myself is to start thinking more critically about what is I am reading.but I am actually enjoying the academia again. Whoop whoop!

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