Friday, 11 April 2014

Sewing Project 3 - Cynthia Rowley Dress

So, here we are again. Another school holiday, so another sewing project. I wish I had more time for projects outside of the school holidays but what with studies, a new job and a wedding to plan, I just can't find the time. I can, however, always find the time for buying patterns and fabric, then I find more time for longing I had the time for making things.

Anyway, I bought this pattern awhile ago. So, after thinking about the honeymoon and needing a new summer wardrobe but being to skint to do anything about it, the pattern came out.

The pattern (for the dress in the main image) was quite loose and and had sleeves and though, initially, I liked the idea of this, when I had cut the pattern and had pinned it to my dress form, I started to want something more fitted. As I cut the pattern for Size 14 (I'm still not too great at measuring myself), I had excess material so just kept stretching and pinning. 

The back was way more striking, I loved the V-shape it created when stretched more than the pattern wanted. 

I had enough excess material from the back facing to pull over the shoulders making a sleeve as I didn't want to use the sleeves I had cut from the pattern. 

 It had looked a little boring  from the front, so I added the fabric I cut for the front facing to the create a ruffled collar type thing (it also served to hide really terrible stitching!). 

The dress benefits from a few accessories.

 I'm proud of the dress for a few reasons:
a) It was my first time attempting a pattern that had more than two parts (this one had fifteen though I think I used eight pieces).
b) It was also the first time I have sewn pockets.
c) I use pattern and adapted it. 

I love the print and think it is a perfect summer dress!

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